As we head towards our 6th year of providing photo booths full time, we say a fond fair well to 2015. It has been a fantastic year full of amazing weddings, great birthdays and corporate awards and parties and we have all of you to thank for making it such a great year. Without you we wouldn’t have so many amazing photos – like this one!
From the big corporate annual parties and awards to the quaint country weddings, every event has been amazing and we’ve collected over 53,000 photos on our travels across the country.
We were also lucky enough to be nominated – and won – some great awards including our local Wedding Supplier Awards in Hereford back in September where we walked away with a trophy in the Best Photobooth Supplier category for the second year running!

myPhotobooth Best Photo Booth Award. Photo Credit, Cat Beardsley Photography
We’d like to thank each and everyone of you who made the parties so memorable. We hope all that celebrated Christmas had a fantastic time and we wish you all a very enjoyable and prosperous New Year! Were certainly looking forward to providing our photo booth hire all over England and Wales again this year and further as well of course!
Don’t forget, you can find all of the photos from the past year on our photo boooth facebook Page